The wonderful experience of playing!
The Bolognani Method games offer a unique opportunity for teachers looking to enrich their music classes with fun and incorporate new and creative strategies.
These games not only foster interest in music but also stimulate the comprehensive development of musical, cognitive, language, and socio-emotional skills. Discover a new way to teach music and make learning a truly magical experience for your students!
Play and Place
With Play and Place, children will learn the open strings of their instruments in all musical notation systems!
With this game, you can create more than
60 game variations!
Syllabic notation, the ordinal numbers of each string, American ciphering, and their position on the staff.
At the same time they have to associate them with the sounds of instruments.
Additionally, by fitting their pieces onto the board, they will be stimulating the motor skills area. Both American ciphering and Syllabic notation will be an approach to the language area. Identifying and classifying tiles will stimulate their cognitive area, and teamwork will develop their socio-emotional skills.
Available for violin, viola, cello, and doublebass!
Musical Lights
With Musical Lights, your students will learn to feel the positioning of the right arm for each of the string planes of the instrument.
They will learn American ciphering as well as Latin musical notation, and they will also need to associate them with the sounds of the open strings.
Musical Lights is suitable for all bowed string instruments!
Additionally, your students will be simultaneously stimulating the four areas of development: language, motor skills, cognition, and socio-emotional skills.
Musical Lights is a game that will take stimulation to indescribable levels! The combination of lights and shadows will make learning technical concepts an unforgettable experience!
Available for violin, viola, cello, and doublebass!
Crazy Dice
Introducing our musical dice! This fun game helps children learn the violin strings in a playful way. Each side of the dice features the name of a violin string (E, A, D, G). After rolling the dice, players must play the string shown, combining music learning with the excitement of chance.
This dice stimulates various developmental areas:
Motor skills: Playing the correct string enhances coordination and fine motor control.
Socio-emotional skills: Playing in groups fosters teamwork, patience, and turn-taking.
Language skills: Naming the strings strengthens musical vocabulary and verbal communication.
Cognitive skills: Identifying the strings and reacting quickly stimulates memory and decision-making.
Build your own musical tower!
This game uses small colored tubes, each marked with a letter. Children must construct a tower with these pieces, and once finished, they face the question: How does the tower sound? They must play the notes that correspond to each tube in the order of the construction, creating a unique musical sequence.
This game stimulates the four developmental areas:
Motor skills: Building the tower enhances hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
Socio-emotional skills: Working together to build the tower fosters cooperation, trust, and mutual respect.
Language skills: Identifying and naming musical notes strengthens vocabulary and verbal expression.
Cognitive skills: Deciding the order of the tubes and translating it into sound stimulates creativity, planning, and memory.